Thursday, March 10, 2011

Update March 3-10

I realize it's been a while since I've posted. I've had a lot going on lately, so I'm going to do a recap of the last week. I see this on Twitter all the time where someone will Tweet all of what's been going on all at once. So here's Sam's News Dump:

Thursday Mar. 3: First Committee on Healthy Lifestyles Meeting; went well, people who attended came with some really great ideas for events; established a mission statement, provided a fruit plate
Found out I raised over $500 for ASB!

Friday Mar. 4: Longest day of my life. Got up early for the Student Nurses Week Pancake breakfast; enjoyed breakfast with the nursing school dean
Physiology exam
Nutrition test: kicked my butt and apparently everyone else; my first C in college

Saturday Mar. 5: CALEB Club event at the nursing school; big turnout, got to play with the $89,000 dummy and kept kids from rupturing each others eardrums
Tutoring at the library

Sunday Mar. 6: Relaxed!

Tuesday Mar. 8: Watched "Interactive Theater" in my nursing class

Wednesday Mar. 9: Became an official resident of Missouri!
Nursing Student Council Meeting: suggested the idea for a forum where pre-nursing students could submit question and an advisory group of clinical students could respond; anonymous and easily accesible
Student Nurses Assoc Meeting
Submitted application to be the SNA Historian

Thursday Mar. 10: went to listen to a guest speaker at the nursing school named Easy Stilson. She was really hilarious and talked about the differences between being a nurse in the 80's and being a nurse today; it was very enlightening and I couldn't be more excited to be a nurse after hearing her speak

ASB meeting tonight! Will be receiving our official itineraries outlining what we'll be doing specifically on each day of the break. I'm so excited!! I will post about it either tonight or tomorrow.

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